A Welcome to our Website


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“Growing closer to God, each other and the community we serve”

St Bart’s takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England’s robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding.
If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues of a safeguarding matter please see below:
Cross Country Parishes: Safe-gaurding Officer: Tom Doyle safeguardingxcountryparishes22@yahoo.com Phone: 01270 481 548.
Diocesan: Mobile number 07704 338885 (available during office hours) safeguarding@chester.anglican.org

We take our duty and obligation to safeguard and protect all people extremely seriously, and we have adopted the national Church of England’s robust safeguarding procedures and guidelines. If you or anyone you are in contact with would like to talk with someone independently, please call the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056 or email safespaces@victimsupport.org.uk. Alternatively, you may contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer, Janet Malbon, or the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser in the Diocese of Chester, via email pauline.butterfield@chester.anglican.org or phone 07703 800031.